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Key words Unit 7E

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How wold you describe a COLLOID?
Where one substance is dispered through another, and they do not separate easily. They are usually cloudy or opaque
How would you describe a SUSPENSION?
Two substances that separate if you don't stir them (eg sand and water)
A substance than cannot dissolve in a liquid is.......
The picture on the left is a salt solution. The picture on the right is a SATURATED salt solution. What is the difference?
The saturated solution cannot dissolve any more salt. (In fact there is excess salt as some hasn't dissolved)
This picture shows distillation - pure water is being separated from salty water. How do you think it works?
The pure water boils and evaporates and then condenses back into pure water, leaving the salt behind, as salty water boils at a higher temperature
What is this method of separating substances called?
When a liquid turns into a gas in all parts of the liquid, creating bubbles of gas in the liquid
The process where a liquid turns into a gas
What is a solution?
What is formed when something (solute) is dissolved in a liquid (solvent)
What is a solute?
The thing that is dissolved in a liquid (solvent) to form a solution
What is a solvent?
The liquid which something (a solute) dissolves in, and a solution is formed
Two or more substances jumbled together but not joined together, so they can often be separated
What is the opposite of opaque?
Transparent - you can see through it easily
What does OPAQUE mean?
You cannot see through it at all
Something with tiny holes which a liquid can pass through but larger solid pieces are left behind
Filter (noun) (to filter something - verb)
A description of how to do an experiment, written in clear steps
When a substance breaks up into such tiny pieces in a liquid that it can no longer be seen
This has a fixed volume but can change shape