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Quantifiers GEP8

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You aren't walking ENOUGH FAST / FAST ENOUGH.
fast enough
A: Do you want some more ice cream? B: Just A FEW / A LITTLE.
a little
I don't have plenty of money. RIGHT or WRONG?
WRONG (We use "plenty of" in positive sentences.
This place is so noisy because there are ..... people.
too many
There ..... chairs. We need 3 more.
Checked by the teacher
I like my coffee with just A LITTLE / A FEW hot milk.
a little
Most of my friends spend TOO MANY / TOO MUCH time on social networking sites.
too much
There isn't ..... petrol in the tank. She's looking for a gas station.
checked by the teacher
He can't affort it. It's ........ for him.
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I'm so sleepy right now. Last night I ...
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Complete: He wants to buy an Iphone 12, but he .....
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Complete: He has got very little ...
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I haven't got MUCH / MANY homework to do today.
There's NO / ANY time to stop for lunch. We'll just have to have a sandwhich.
There were LOT / LOTS OF people waiting at the bus stop.
lots of
I think people eat TOO QUICKLY / TOO MUCH QUICKLY there days.
too quickly
There aren't ENOUGH HOURS / HOURS ENOUGH in the day to do everything.
enough hours
This bag isn't ENOUGH BIG / BIG ENOUGH to put all my books in.
big enough
She only speaks _____ German. A FEW or A LITTLE ?
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Complete: There is a little ...
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Complete: There were only few ...
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Name 7 uncountable nouns
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Complete: How much...?
Checked by the teacher
Name 7 countable nouns
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