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basketball rules

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The _______ is a basketball team's teacher. They organize practice sessions to prepare the team for each game and select the players who will start the game.
How many total players are on the basketball court at one time during a game?
10 players
Name 2 skills in basketball
dribble pass shoot
How many points are awarded for a free throw?
1 point
What is a violation that occurs when a player takes too many steps without dribbling the ball
What do we call position 5?
True or False: Guards are usually the tallest players
False; they are the shortest
Which guard is position 1?
Point guard
What do you call this part of the basketball court?
Center circle
What do you call this part of the basketball court?
Midcourt line
Where is he shooting from? How many points is this shot?
Three-point line; 3 points
Where is he shooting from?
Free throw line
An NBA game consists of 4 quarters each __ minutes in length
What do you call this action?
To bounce/ to dribble
She is __________ the ball
What do you call this action?
What do you call this action?
What is this?
Official/ referee
What is this?
What is this?
Basket/ basketball net/ hoop