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Afro-Colombians in the Independence

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True/False:The Raizales have ancestry that includes Spanish, French, English, Dutch, and African roots.
What were the main motivations for many Afro-Colombians to fight in the independence struggle?
Freedom and better rights.
Who led the Afro-Colombian Maroons (Cimarrones) in the Atrato River?
Tomas Pérez
True/False: The contributions of Afro-Colombians in the fight for independence are always well-recognized and celebrated today.
False (There is still discrimination and neglect against them)
Which Afro-Colombian heroine helped in the independence process by burning a weapons warehouse?
María Antonia Ruiz
True/False: Benkos Biohó founded Palenque de San Basilio and was executed by the Spanish governor of Santa Marta..
False (Governor of Cartagena)
How did Afro-Colombians contribute to the independence struggle besides fighting?
By delivering messages and supplies to soldiers.
True/False: Afro-Colombians only fought on the side of the Spanish during the independence struggle.
False (They fought on both sides - Spaniards and Creoles)
Which Afro-Colombian leader fought bravely at the Battle of Boyacá?
Admiral Jose Prudencia Padilla
True / False: Raizales are from the Caribbean islands of San Andrés, Santa Catalina, and Providencia.
Which groups are mentioned as part of the Afro-Colombian community?
Palenqueros and Raizales