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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Idiom) Things cannot be done as planned.
Off the menu
(Idiom) Feeling more confident
A rug was pulled out from under you
(Idiom) in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns
Go off the beaten track
(Idiom) When someone does something like a shot, they do it extremely quickly and enthusiastically
Do something like a shot
(Idiom) to become familiar with and confident in a new situation
Find your feet
(Idiom) a new place or activity that offers new opportunities
pastures new
Cộng đồng sôi động
A vibrant community
Cộng đồng gắn kết
A close-knit community
= Tolerant attitude
Open-minded approach
Disassociate myself from
(Phras.) Break away from = Drop out of = Opt out of
(Phras.) Be noticeable in
(Phras.) Stand out from
Harmful to society
What is normal
The norm
the number and characteristics of people who live in a particular area or form a particular group, especially in relation to their age, how much money they have and what they spend it on
nhà ở
cộng đồng người nước ngoài mạnh mẽ
strong expat community
thói quen buồn chán
dreary routine
ý thức về
- sense of loss
máy in đa chức nhiệm
multifunctional printer
vải nhiều màu
multicoloured fabric
công ty đa quốc gia
multinational company
xã hội đa ngôn ngữ
multilingual society
thành phố đa văn hóa
multicultural city
cuộc đàn áp
nhân viên thời vụ
seasonal employee
buôn lậu
công ty đa quốc gia
multinational corporation
định cư
người tị nạn
người nhập cư bất hợp pháp
illegal immigrants
người nước ngoài
nhân viên hợp đồng
contact workers
Người xin tị nạn
asylum seekers