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Diamond Mystery - chapter 1 to 5

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What fruit does Luke Smith always eat after he goes jogging?
A green apple.
Who is Luke Smith?
He cuts diamonds and sets them into elegante rings and necklaces. He works on the top floor.
Why is Danny Braveheart a suspect?
Because he wants to take over the store.
Who is Danny Braveheart?
He cleans the jewelry before it's sold. He work on the second floor.
Why is Vivian Leander a suspect?
Because she needs money.
Who is Vivian Leander?
She is a store assistant.
What is Mohammed Carat's idea to solve the mystery?
Hire the detectives to work in his store.
Why did Mohammed Carat pay a visit to the detectives?
Because he believes one of the people who works for him is stealing his diamonds.
Who is Mohammed Carat?
The richest man in town and owner of jeweler's store.
Name some of the The Whodunit Detective Agency Equipment
Camera with flash, binoculars, mirror...
Why are they off from school?
Because it is winter break.
Why is Luke Smith a suspect?
Student's answer.
Name the detective and at least one suspect.
Jerry, Maya and ...
What's the name of the town of the book?
Pleasent Valley.