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How would you survive Lv.3 Nov

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How would you survive only drinking seaweed liquid for 1 year
That would turn me into a merman
how would you survive driving across europe with your enemy
By driving separate cars
how would you survive 1 year in the Artic
by becoming friends with the penguins so I can eat their eggs and babies
how would you survive falling into a deep fryer
By becoming the worlds crispiest man
how would you survive beeing trapped in an elevator with Justin Beaver?
As long as he didn't sing I think we would be ok
how would you survive sleeping in the bottom bunk with an obese man on the top bunk?
Would be sleeping very little that night
How would you survive eating tortallini filled with rat hands and potatoes
Gross, who would eat totallini with potatoes
How would you survive acid rain?
Using an Acidproof umbrella
How would you survive by only eating rice for one week
I like rice so no problem
How would you survive falling into a pit of quicksand
Everyone knows that you have to scream like a baby pig in distress and the mother will come and rescue you... GUARANTEED
how would you survive listening to an old man eating a ripe nectarine
Trick question, It's impossible to survive
How would you survive a tsunami?
By always having an emergency inflatable rubber ring with me at all times