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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I have enough money, tomorrow I _________ a new dress. (buy)
will buy
If she _______ shopping, she buys very expensive clothes. Everybody knows that. (go)
She visits her sister every time if she ______ to Kyiv. (go)
If you study hard, you _____ your exams (pass)
will pass
Paula will be sad if Jeff _________.
If it's sunny, we _______ to the park (go)
will go
If it rains, I ______ at home. (stay)
will stay
Elaine _________ the drinks if somebody helps her carry the bottles (buy)
will buy
If I find her address, I ______ her an invitation. (send)
will send
If I _____ late for dinner, they start without me. (be)
I get tired if I ______ too much (work)
If my wife _______ a cold, I usually catch it. (have)
If I ___________ a silly mistake, I laugh.
If you _________ to come, call me before 5:00. (want)
If I go to bed early, I always _______ very early. (get up)
get up
If it rains, the grass _______ wet. (get)
If you _______ blue and red, you get purple. (mix)