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Food Riddles

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If you like sweet side dishes, this will make you a happy fellow. As it has sweet potatoes as well as sugar and marshmallow.
Candied Yams
This is a type of small fruit which is smaller than your hand. Fuzzy outside, green inside, often comes from New Zealand.
Kiwi fruit
This thing comes as a small grain, but it’s not sugar or sand. It’s often used when cooking so that food doesn’t taste bland.
This is a type of green fruit which grows on a citrus tree. When it is part of a pie, you might say that it is key.
There’s white and milk and dark, these three types you might eat. As a type of candy, it really can’t be beat.
This fruit is made of two words conjoined, the first part of it is also a tree. The second part is a different fruit and goes on a pizza from Hawaii.
You might pick up one of these when you go out to a patch. Carve it, put in a candle and then light it with a match.
I am a fruit that’s red, that’s often used in a smoothie. I’m bought in a punnet and made into jam and jelly.
Ground beef, sour cream, guacamole, rice, pinto beans and cheese. To finish making a burrito. they’re wrapped in one of these.
They live in a field, milk is what they make. They help give us leather and a juicy steak.
This is something that grows on a tree, it is a fruit that is green or red. It’s said gravity was discovered when one of these fell on Newton’s head.
If you’re craving some fast food, then this thing might grant your wish. It sometimes has a stuffed crust and sometimes it is deep dish.
I’m something that is sticky, I’m something that is sweet. I’m made by more than one bee, I’m something that you eat.
You’ll eat this fruit with turkey to help fill up your belly. It sometimes comes as a sauce and sometimes it’s a jelly.
Cod, carp, herring and salmon, flounder, trout and anchovies. Sole, red snapper and tuna, what types of creatures are these?
I’m sometimes in breakfast cereals, in a box of bran flakes I’m sprinkled. I am a grape that has been dried out which means that I am small and wrinkled.
If you go see a movie, you have to get some of this. And then add butter or salt for a taste that’s simply bliss.
You might make this at Christmas so that you can stuff your face. A cake, icing and candy, an edible dwelling place.
Gingerbread House
This is a fruit that you might be fed. You just need to mix yellow and red.
I can be fried, boiled and mashed. Roasted and baked, scalloped and hashed.
There are many types of this food, wild, brown and white to name a few. Before it ever reached your plate, a paddy field is where it grew.
You can eat its wings, its breast and its legs. Plus, when it’s alive, you can eat its eggs.
I’ve got a brown shell on the outside and my shape is an oval. However, I am not an egg from a palm tree’s where I fall.
In a bowl you use a spoon on a cone you give a lick. This frozen dairy dessert many flavors you can pick.
Ice cream
I’m red and have seeds and I am also round. Sliced up in salads is where I can be found.
I am sometimes made of sugar and sometimes of oatmeal. Chocolate chip ones taste so good, you might find that you squeal!
Rabbits like to eat me when I grow in a field. This orange vegetable tastes best when it is peeled.
I’m sometimes decorated using paint or with a pen. I can be eaten scrambled and I get laid by a hen.
I can be red or green, I get grown on a vine. I’m dried to make raisins or squeezed to help make wine.
It’s the name of a type of fish that’s packed in a can so tight. It sounds like the name of someone who makes a piano sound right.
I am a yellow fruit that you might eat at lunch. When there’s a group of me, we are known as a bunch.
This is a root vegetable that can be red, white or green. It can make you cry a lot even though it is not mean.
I can sometimes be a stick, but I don’t come from a tree. I can be spread on your toast, I’m a product that’s dairy.
I am a fruit whose name sounds as though there might be two of me. In a Christmas song there is a partridge in this kind of tree.
This animal gives us meat on which you sometimes dine. It gives us tasty bacon and it’s sometimes known as swine.
With red and white stripes, it’s something you lick. Despite it looking like a hockey stick.
Candy Cane
This normally grows in fields, it’s a grain from what I hear. It can be eaten piece by piece or straight from a long ear.
This is something yellow, but it is not a light. It is a citrus fruit that’s a flavor in Sprite.