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Cyber Safety and Netiquette

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 1 type of information that you should NOT share online.
social security number, phone number, address, school address, work address, bank account information, credit card information
Name 1 type of information that you should NOT share online.
social security number, phone number, address, school address, work address, bank account information, credit card information
Name 1 type of information that you should NOT share online.
social security number, phone number, address, school address, work address, bank account information, credit card information
What should you do if you are interested in meeting someone in real life that you met online?
meet them in a public place with a parent or an adult
True or False: using "1234" or "0000" in your password is a great way to keep your account safe.
True or False: Do not post or text anything you would not say in real life.
Which of these is NOT a good example of online etiquette?
clicking on sites you are unsure of
double-checking what you post
being polite and courteous
chatting with people that you know well in real life
True or False: sarcasm is always a good idea through text.
True or False: Any time is a good time to text.
True or False: It's always a good idea to be mindful of other people's schedule when you text.
Name 1 texting rule
don't text constantly if they are acquaintances, use proper grammar, write clearly, be careful what you text, etc.
True or False: You should be careful what you post because a lot of things you post online stay online.
You write positive or neutral comments online. Is this good online etiquette?
True or False: You don't need to fact check articles that you post. If they are online, most likely the sources are true
True or False; What you do online can have real-life consequences.
What is catfishing online?
using a fake identity to pretend to be someone else
posting pictures of catfish
posting memes
What should you do if you are unsure about a website?
ask a trusted adult for help, don't go on the website until you are sure
True or False: You can always trust what others say online about themselves.
What should you do if someone online is making you feel uncomfortable?
ask a trusted adult for help, stop talking to that person, block them, report the person, etc.
You met a new friend and you want to respect their boundaries, so you only text them once in a while or a few times a week. Is this good texting etiquette?
You share online your location for your birthday party. That way, everyone knows where it's going to be. Is this safe?
You text your friend a joke and send a laugh emoji to show her that you are joking. Is this good texting etiquette?
You made a new friend in school and you are so excited that you text him several times throughout the day. Is this an appropriate amount?
True or False: You met someone online but have never met them in real life. You feel you can trust them, though, so they are a real friend.
True or False: if you want to post a picture of your friend on your social media, you should aske her for permission first.
What should you NOT share with someone you met online?
personal information, phone number, address, information about family members, etc.