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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She would like to become a professional baker,
wouldn’t she?
He can’t really eat fast food every day,
can he?
This isn’t the spice you were looking for,
is it?
You will invite Steve to your dinner party,
won’t you ?
You’ve bought a new gas cooker,
haven’t you ?
Pick up some more butter from the shop,
will you ?
Lena is the first in her family to go to cooking school,
isn’t she ?
You shouldn’t mix lemon juice and milk,
should you?
That was a really delicious meal,
wasn’t it?
Let’s go to the farmers’ market tomorrow,
shall we?
That cake was delicious,
wasn’t it ?
This isn’t the recipe you wanted,
is it?
I shouldn’t mix this for too long,
should I ?
Desmond makes a mess when he cooks,
doesn’t he?
Alma could be a professional chef,
couldn’t she?
You’ll tell me if you don’t like it,
won’t you
Leo can’t cook at all,
can he?
You know how to cook pasta,
don’t you ?
Let’s go out for dinner,
shall we?
You won’t add too much chilli to the sauce,
will you?
Sara is planning to open a restaurant,
isn’t she?