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Object Pronouns

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We wrote our names in the attendance list.
We wrote them in the attendance list.
I take my father to his office every day.
I take him to his office every day.
Did you buy the groceries?
Did you buy them?
You didn't help the dog.
You didn't help it.
I don't use the cellphone very often.
I don't use it very often.
Did Pablo visit his mother last month?
Did Pablo visit her last month?
I didn't give Anne the food.
I didn't give her the food.
Did Richard call Tom and you last night?
Did Richard call you last night?
Roxana was studying with Paul last Friday.
Roxana was studying with him last Friday.
I feed the dogs two times a day.
I feed them two times a day.
Susana cooks her food every day.
Susana cooks it every day.
I don't send the book to John every week.
I don't send the book to him every week.
We are talking to Jane and Paul right now.
We are talking to them right now.
My cellphone fell in the sink last weekend.
My cellphone fell in it last weekend.
The dog bit my sister yesterday.
The dog bit her yesterday.
Sophie and Danny called their parents an hour ago.
Sophie and Danny called them an hour ago.