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Soft Skills Final Wrap Up :)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the Portuguese word for its iconic TILES?
Which Portuguese person inspired the name of the founder of Slytherin house?
The dictator of Portugal, AntĂłnio de Oliveira Salazar
Where was the architect of the Torre dos Clérigos originally from?
Where were pastéis de nata invented and by whom?
Monks in Lisbon! :)
When is it useful to approach the conflict with the SHARK style?
You got this!! :)
If I tell you "don't think about it, let's go party!!" am I showing sympathy of empathy?
Sympathy :(
Say one typical dish from each country of your opponents!
Good job everyone!!
Tell me one fact you learnt about GEESE this week :)
Good one!! :)
Say 5 Portuguese words you learnt this week :)
Name the three phases of a public speech
Take-off: state the objective and catch the attention -> why, what, how, … what if Flying: structure with points Landing: wrap-up key points and feedback
Name three important aspects to take into account when delivering a speech.
Well done!! :)
“I’m sorry to ask you.” Which style does this sentence reflect?
Who is considered as the father of Emotional Intelligence?
Daniel Goleman
Who's the author of the "How to get worst model"?