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Our World 6 Unit 2 Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this?
artefact or object
What is this?
a tomb
What is this?
a statue
*Finish this passive sentence*: After the mummy was analysed, we found he ______________ (injure) very badly in an accident. He had broken many bones.
was injured
*Finish this passive sentence:* The statues _____________ (clean) very carefully by the archeologists after they were discovered.
were cleaned
King Tutankhamen was a [ tomb / ruler ] in ancient Egypt.
Archeologists work to find [ gold / artefacts ] at [ statues / sites] around the world.
artefacts; sites
A(n) [object / sample] of food was taken to be tested in the laboratory.
A [DNA test / CT scan ] is used to discover if people are from the same family.
DNA test
The mummy was [ preserved / excavated ] so well that you could still see all of the [ treasure / tattoos] on its skin.
preserved; tattoos
The treasure was stolen by a group of [ mummies / thieves ].
My pet goldfish [buried / died] after only two weeks!
Car accidents are often [ caused / discovered ] by people using their mobile phones while driving.
*Finish this passive sentence:* Flowers ___________ (cut) in the garden every day by the gardener.
are cut
*Finish this passive sentence:* The candles on the birthday cake ____________ (blow) out by my brother.
were blown
*Finish this passive sentence:* These mummies _____________ (excavate) from a site in Egypt last summer.
were excavated
*Finish this passive sentence:* Treasure ____________ (bury) under the house by the people who lived here many years ago.
was buried
*Finish this passive sentence:* After they are found, artefacts ______________ (analysed) by archeologists.
are analysed
*Finish this passive sentence:* King Tut's tomb _____________ (discover) by archeologists many years ago.
was discovered
Films [ is watched / are watched / were watched ] every night by millions of people.
are watched
This cake [ be made / is made / are made] every year on my birthday.
is made
How many students [ was photographed / were photographed / are photographed ] yesterday.
were photographed
El Prado [ is visited / is visiting / are visited] by hundreds of people everyday.
is visited
Coffee farms [ is found / are found / was found] in Columbia.
are found