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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What number is this?
fifty (y)
How's the weather?
sunny (y)
What is this?
chilly (y)
What is this?
puppy (y)
What is this?
candy (y)
What do you called your brother or sisters daugter?
niece  (ie)
What is this?
thief (ie)
What is this?
field (ie)
What is this?
piece (ie)
Who is this?
chief (ie)
What is this?
turkey (ey)
What is this?
chimney  (ey)
What is this?
honey  (ey)
What is this?
monkey  (ey)
What is this?
key  (ey)
What is this?
evil (e)
What is he?
hero (e)
You call a girl.....
she (e)
You call a boy....
he (e)
Something you are.
being (e)
What is this?
wheels (ee)
What are these?
teeth (ee)
What colour is this?
green (ee)
What is this?
bee (ee)
There are seven days in it.
week (ee)
A time of day.
evening (e_e)
Something that turned cold and hard.
freeze (ee/e_e)
Something we get from our parents
genes (e_e)
To finish something.
complete  (e_e)
A term for removing writing on a computer.
delete  (e_e)
What do we see that fall from trees in autumn?
leaves (leaf) (ea/e_e)
This is a cold, sweet snack for summer.
ice cream
This is a fuzzy orange fruit. It is very sweet.
What comes out of a kettle when you boil water?
What is the name for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
A hot drink