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Adverbs of frequency

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He walks to the dog to the park. SOMETIMES
He sometimes walks to the dog to the park
I brush my teeth every day. ALWAYS
I always brush my teeth every day
She rides her bike to school. USUALLY
She usually rides her bike
They catch the bus to school. OFTEN
They often catch the bus to school
We have a snack at school. NEVER
We never have a snack at school
Tom does his homework after school. USUALLY
Tom usually does his homework after school
Lisa takes a shower every morning. ALWAYS
Lisa always a shower every morning
My grandma takes the dog for a walk. SOMETIMES
My grandma sometimes takes the dog for a walk.
I sweep the floor. SOMETIMES
I sometimes sweep the floor.
I cook the dinner. NEVER
I never cook the dinner.
They take out the recycling. NEVER
They never take out the recycling.
My mum feeds the cat. ALWAYS
My mum always feeds the cat.
I clean the car. USUALLY
I usually clean the car.
I feed the cat. NEVER
I never feed the cat.
She does her homework. ALWAYS
She ALWAYS does her homework.