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School subjects

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a class where we do some experiments.
This is Science class.
a class where we learn about how to be a good people.
This is ethics class
A class where we learn about rocks and caves.
This is Geography class.
A class where we exercise.
This is P.E. class.
A class where we play instruments such as guitar, piano or violin.
This is music class.
A class where we learn about numbers.
This is math class.
A class where we learn to read, write, listen and speak in English.
This is English class.
A class where we learn about the past.
This is history class.
A class where we learn about places, cities and countries.
This is geography class.
A class where we draw and paint.
This is art class.
What class do we have today?
We have science class today.
What class do they have today?
They have P.E. class today.
What class does he have today?
He has music class today.
What class does she have today?
She has math class today.
What class does he have today?
He has literature class today.
What class does she have today?
She has history class today.
What class do they have today?
They have geography class today.
What class do we have today?
We have art class today.
What class is this?
This is science class.
What class is this?
This is P.E. class.
What class is this?
This is music class.
What class is this?
This is math class.
What class is this?
This is literature class.
What class is this?
This is history class.
What class is this?
This is geography class.
What class is this?
This is art class.