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P5 past simple or continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What ____ (you/do) when I _____(call) you last night?
were you doing / called
She _______ (work) in a bank when she _____ (meet) her.
was working / met
When I ____ (leave) the house, it ______ (snow).
left / was snowing
You ______ (stand) on a chair when I ____ (come).
standing / came
When the train _____ (get), we _____ (wait) on the platform.
got / were waiting
We _____ (walk) along the river when we ______(meet) an old friend
were walking / met
When I ____ (walk) in the room, everyone ______(work).
walked / was working
He ________ (take) a shower when the telephone _____ (ring)
was taking / rang
We ______ (play) tennis when Serena _____ (hurt) her ankle.
were playing / hurt
Susie _______ (watch a film) a film when she _____(hear) a noise
was watching / heard
I ________(sit) in a cafe when you _____(call).
was sitting / called
They were buying food
past continuous
They had lunch at midday
past simple
I was playing
past continuous
He arrived
past simple
We were watching
past continuous