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What lesson did Wyatt learn from the experience with the GameMaster?
To always try to do the right thing.
It's okay to keep things you find.
Goku is cool
Always listen to Paul.
What did Paul say after Wyatt decided to return the GameMaster?
"I knew you would make the right choice."
"You should have kept it, Wyatt."
"Let's go find more lost toys."
"Would you like some Pho?"
How did Wyatt feel after returning the GameMaster to its owner?
What did Paul say about Wyatt's role in solving problems at school?
Wyatt helps solve problems at school.
Wyatt is always causing problems
Wyatt should listen to Paul more.
Wyatt is a spy
Who walked around the park with Wyatt to help find the owner of the GameMaster?
Wyatt's mom
Paul's dad
Paul's mom
Anna's mom
What did Wyatt promise himself after returning the GameMaster?
To always try to do the right thing
To never go to the park again
To keep everything he found
To always eat Salmon
How did the boy react when Wyatt asked him if the GameMaster was his?
He looked relieved and thanked Wyatt.
He laughed and said no.
He got angry and yelled at Wyatt.
He was so happy that he started to tap dance
Who did Wyatt and Paul eventually find looking for the lost GameMaster?
A boy and his mom
A little girl
A park ranger
What did Wyatt finally decide to do with the GameMaster?
Return it to its owner
Keep it for himself
Throw it away
Sell it
What reason did Paul give Wyatt for why he shouldn't keep the GameMaster?
It belongs to someone else.
It's against the park rules
Wyatt didn't find it first.
Paul wanted it for himself.
What did Paul say about Wyatt keeping the GameMaster?
"You can do whatever you want, Wyatt, but it's not right."
"Finders keepers, losers weepers!"
"You should definitely keep it, Wyatt."
"Let's ask your mom what to do."
Who claimed the GameMaster as theirs initially?
What did Paul and Wyatt find at the top of the tower?
What did the Parks Department let the kids choose to build at the park?
A fort
A slide
A swing set
A sandbox
Who is the protagonist of the story?
Teacher LJ