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Ice Hockey trivia

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The machine that smooths the ice is the
Is Hockey played at the Olympics?
Players can go behind the goal?
Players score by hitting the puck into
A goal
Sometime Hockey players get into fights.
How many players are in an Ice Hockey team?
What is a hat trick?
Three goals scored by the same player in a game.
Ice Hockey is the most popular sport in
What is the job of the Wings on a hockey team?
Watch the right and left sides of the ice and pass and score.
Which team won the Stanley Cup in 2019?
the Blues
The US Olympic Hockey Team won a Gold Medal in 1980
Where does a player go when he gets a penalty?
Penalty box
What is the name of this important ice hockey trophy?
Stanley Cup
What do players wear on their feet?
Ice Skates
Ice Hockey is played on
An Ice rink
Why does the goalkeeper wears lots of protective clothing?
So he doesn't get hurt
What is the job of the Center?
Watch the middle of the ice and face off to start the play.
What do players hit with their sticks?
a puck
Players hit the puck with a