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Present Perfect vs Past Simple (theory/ rules)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the sentence correct? (Why/ Why not? I watched this movie twice, I don't want to watch it any more
No; I've watched this movie twice, I don't want to watch it any more
Put the word "ever" in the corrrect place in the sentence: Have you jumped with a parachute?
Have you ever jumped with a parachute?
Put the word "yet" into the correct place in the sentence: Have you finished your homework?
Have you finished your homework yet?
Put the word "just" into the correct place in the sentence: I have called him
I have JUST called him
Choose a correct alternative "Jenny's been to the US" or "Jenny was in the US?
Jenny's been to the US (no specific time; just her experience)
Translate the sentences ; "We've already eaten' "I've worked as a teacher since 20212'
What tense do we use to talk about situations that started IN THE PAST AND CONTINUE to the present?
Present Perfect (He' been vegetarian since he was about 12)
Is it correct? (Why?/Why not?) 'We have seen a very good film last night'
No; last night = exact time in the past (Past simple)
Is the sentence correct (Why?/ Why not?): I haven't tried sushi yet
Correct (experience; up to now)
Put the verb "have' into Present Perfect form
have had; has had