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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A new theme park was open just opposite the shopping mall. (find a synonym of open)
established, set up
The trees were removed to make way for a new hospital. (find a synonym of removed)
be cleared
The house was knocked down in 2000 to make way for a new supermarket. (find a synonym of knocked down)
be flanned
The hotel was expanded to a total of 70 rooms. (find a synonym of expanded)
extended, enlarged
The student hall was moved to the east of the university. (give a synonym of be moved)
be relocated
The playground was converted ... a parking lot. (fill in the gap with a preposition)
The university was completely renovated in 2000. (give 2 synonyms of renovated)
be reconstructed, be modernized
A roundable was built on the left-hand side of the town. (give 2 synonyms of be built)
was constructed, was errected, was added,
Complete the sentence with correct form of the given word: Another striking change is the ... (expand) of the school campus.
Give a sentence with similar meaning: Generally, it is clear that Norbition witness striking transformation.
witness = see, experience; striking transformation = major changes, significant modernization, remarkable development
Paraphrase the question to write an introduction: The maps below show the changes that have taken place at West Park Secondary school since its construction in 1950.
The given maps provide information about how West Park Secondary school has changed since it was built in 1950.