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What Planet Are You From?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If Jordan is 5 years younger than his 16 year old sister Beth, how old is Jordan?
11 years old
Identify the 3 plurals in this sentence. Just the other day Beth was singing love songs at the top of her lungs while trying to brush her teeth.
songs, lungs, teeth
What is the adjective in this sentence? He just couldn't comprehend why she acted so insanely crazy.
What is the adjective in this sentence? Instead, he started to join in on the crazy fun she seemed to always have!
True or False Jordan was surprised that his sister stood up for him when her friends thought he was lame.
True or False Jordan thought his sister was insanely crazy, which means he understood why she acted the way she did.
True or False If you overhear someone talking they know that you are listening.
The contraction wasn't means _____?
was not
What is the contraction for could not?
What trait best describes Beth? a. fearful b. quiet c. goofy d. mean
c. goofy
To comprehend means to ____________. a. wonder b. understand c. hope d. remember
b. understand
What question did Jordan repeatedly ask his sister?
What planet are you from?
The main idea of the story "What Planet Are You From" was ________. a. planets b. sleepovers c. getting along with your sister d. dancing
c. getting along with your sister