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Compensatory Strategies and External Devices

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jane needs to water household plants regularly.
Visual schedule with pictures showing when and how to water each plant.
Jane needs to set the table for meals.
Picture-based placemat showing where each item (plate, cup, utensils) goes. The placemat can have outlines or pictures of the items in their correct positions.
Jane needs to take out the trash on designated days.
Visual chart showing the trash collection schedule.
Jane needs to help with laundry tasks.
Visual guide showing steps for sorting, washing, and folding clothes.
Jane needs to attend regular appointments (e.g., doctor, dentist).
Visual calendar with picture reminders of appointments.
Jane needs to prepare a simple lunch for herself.
Picture-based recipe cards for simple lunch items (e.g., sandwich, fruit salad) with each step illustrated.
Jane needs to complete her homework assignments in the evening.
Visual timer to set specific homework times and a visual schedule breaking down homework tasks into manageable steps.
Jane needs to take prescribed medication at specific times.
A pill organizer with visual cues for each day and time, and a reminder app with visual notifications to indicate when it's time to take the medication.
Jane needs to complete her morning routine in time to catch the school bus.
A visual morning routine schedule showing each step from waking up to leaving for school. The schedule can include pictures of each activity.
Jane needs to pack her backpack with all necessary school items.
A visual checklist of items to pack, with corresponding pictures (e.g., notebook, pencil case, lunchbox).
Jane needs to eat a nutritious breakfast to start her day.
A picture menu of breakfast options (e.g., cereal, toast, fruit) and a visual schedule showing the sequence of eating steps.
Jane needs to comb her hair each morning.
A visual chart showing the steps of hair combing, placed near the mirror.
Jane needs to brush her teeth twice a day for two minutes each time.
A visual timer (like a sand timer or an app with a visual countdown) and a picture-based step-by-step guide placed on the bathroom mirror.
Jane needs to choose appropriate clothes and put them on in the correct order.
A visual schedule with pictures of clothing items laid out in the order they should be worn (e.g., underwear, shirt, pants, socks, shoes).
Jane needs to wake up at 7:00 AM to get ready for school.
Use a vibrating alarm clock placed under her pillow. The vibration will wake her without needing auditory cues, ensuring she gets up on time independently.