Edit Game
Review Unit 8A,8B and 9A

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a job of Pharmacy?
It is the same as "being fired".
being sacked
What is a noun of "respond"? tell and spell to get the points
to cause to be upset or to hurt the feelings of someone
to offend
it's difficult ______ a good job these days. (find)
to find
They ______ us if they _______ a problem. (not call, not have)
They wouldn't have called us if they hadn't had a problem.
Why don't you try _____ to a smaller company? (apply)
They went to the C______ to buy some aspirin.
She's going to practise GIVING/TO GIVE her presentation.
If Reach _________ more careful with his glasses, he ________them.(be, not break)
If Reach had been more careful with his glasses, he wouldn't have broken them.
_____heavy weights can give you back problems. (lift)
I can't afford ______ a lower salary. (accept)
to accept
It means to give someone a more important job.
to promote
Kate said that she HAD TO/MUST go to the supermarket.
had to
I asked Lucy where SHE BOUGHT/DID SHE BUY her clothes.
she bought
My sister buys all her clothes at an O_______ S_______ because it's cheaper.
Outlet Store
The sports section is on the top floor of the D_______ St________.
Department Store
I asked my sister WHETHER/THAT the dress suited me, and she said I looked great!
My brother regrets NOT GOING/NOT TO GO to university.
not going
It's the same as "to quit".
to resign
You______my message if you_________ your mobile phone. (see, check)
You would have seen my message if you had checked your phone.