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Centimeter Scavenger Hunt and Metric System

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What metric units would you use to measure the length of a whiteboard?
What metric units would you use to measure a lightswitch?
What metric units would you use to measure the distance from your school to your house?
What metric units would you use to measure your weight?
What metric units would you use to measure dice?
What metric units would you use to measure the length of your classroom?
What metric units would you use to measure a bus route?
What metric units would you use to measure a Rubix cube ?
What metric units would you use to measure the weight of a textbook?
What metric units would you use to measure a penny?
Measure the length of a workbook
About 28 centimeters
Measure a paperclip
About 3 centimeters
Measure an eraser
About 13 centimeters
Measure a crayon
About 9 centimeters
Measure a marker
About 14 centimeters
Measure the length of a piece of notebook paper
About 27 centimeters
Measure kids classroom scissors
About 14 centimeters
Measure a 12 inch ruler
About 30.5 centimeters
Measure a regular glue stick
About 8 centimeters
Measure an unsharpened pencil
About 19 centimeters