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Lenni Lenape

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What is bast and how was it used?
fibers from a tree; used to attach materials together
What was sinew used for?
thread to attach different objects together
What tools did the Lenape make from bones? Name 3
gardening tools like hoes and shovels, needles, whistles, hooks, ornaments, spear heads, knives
The Lenape people believed Earth came from a ______.
Name 3 responsibilities you'd have as a Lenape child.
BOYS: learning to make tools, hunt, fish, dugout canoes, build shelters GIRLS: learning to gather, prepare food, make clothing and baskets
What did the Lenape use to travel on the rivers and lakes?
dugout canoe
What would the Lenape have done with meat and fish so they had it for winter?
smoked it over the fire and stored it in pits in the ground
Name ALL of the 3 sisters.
beans, corn, squash
What 2 important materials the Lenape would have used to build their shelter?
small saplings (trees), bark, mud, dried grasses and/or reeds
What was the shape of the Lenape shelter?
True/False: The Lenape believed all living things had spirits.
What happened after the Europeans came to Lenape land?
The Lenape got sick and then moved away.
What is the name of the shelter the Lenape lived in?
wigwam or longhouse
What is archaeology?
the study of the human past
Name five animals the Lenape hunted/trapped.
bear, deer, elk, beaver, otter, muskrat, raccoon, mink and wild cats, turkey, eagle, partridge, pigeon, wild ducks and geese
Name two reasons why a river was an important resource for the Lenape.
travel, fishing, water source
Name three responsibilities of Lenape men.
building homes, making canoes, making tools, hunting, fishing, trapping, fighting
Name three responsibilities of Lenape women.
Planting and harvesting crops, gathering food, cooking food, making clay bowls and baskets, cleaning hides and making clothes and blankets
The 3 clans in the Lenape tribe were the ___, ___, and ___.
wolf, turtle, and turkey
The Lenape tribe was divided into three _____.
Most of the time the Lenape lived in smaller villages of __ to __ people.
The Lenape sometimes lived in large villages of ___ to ___ people.
What does Lenapehoking mean?
Land of the Lenape
The Lenape lived along the banks of what river?
Delaware River
Name the states where the Lenape lived.
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Connecticut.