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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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SEW / ______ / ______
SET / ______ / ______
RISE / _______ / ________
PAY / ______ / _______ = meaning?
PAID / PAID = to give someone money
They ____ the Christmas lights yesterday evening (Past: Light)
They LIT the Christmas lights yesterday evening
She ____ on the ground and did her yoga exercises (Past: LIE)
She LAY on the ground and did her yoga exercises (Remember, not LIE / LIED)
If people or animals _____, they make a hole in the ground.
When something such as a bird, insect, or aircraft ______, it moves through the air. What is the past and participle of this?
Albert HAS finally _______ his girlfriend. He isn't angry at her anymore.
Albert HAS finally FORGIVEN his girlfriend. He isn't angry at her anymore.
Laura’s parents ______ her to use her cell phone while she was studying (Past: Forbid)
Laura’s parents FORBADE her to use her cell phone while she was studying
My parents _____ my mobile phone so that I could study (Past: HIDE)
My parents HID my mobile phone so that I could study
HIDE / HID / ______ = give an example
HIDDEN / The dog couldn’t find his toy because I HAD HIDDEN it
LET / ____ / LET = meaning?
LET - To give permission to do something
I need to pay the money that Bankia ____ me (Past)
I need to pay the money that Bankia LENT me
John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh HAVE _____ the soldiers into battle. LED OR LENT
John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh HAVE LED the soldiers into battle.
The receptionist ____ the way to the boardroom (Past of LEAD)
The receptionist LED the way to the boardroom
LAY /léi/ – LAID – LAID = meaning?
To put something /someone in a particular position
She ________ the baby down gently on the bed (Past participle)
She HAS LAID the baby down gently on the bed