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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does he like crocodiles?
No, he doesn't.
Complete the dialogue
Yes, it's mine.
What does the boy like?
He likes bananas, planes and cars
What's number two?
It's a wardrobe.
What's number three?
It's a mirror
Where's the lamp?
It's on the floor
What's number five?
It's a sofa.
Describe the girl
She has got short hair. She has got small eyes. She has got a small mouth. She has got a small nose. She has got big ears.
What is the monkey saying?
I'm riding a motorbike.
What is the hippo saying?
I'm sailing a boat
What is the parrot doing?
The parrot is painting a picture
What is the boy saying?
Playing football is fun. / Playing football is great.
What is the boy saying?
Playing hockey is difficult.
Complete the dialogue and choose the correct answer
Are you riding a skateboard? No, I'm not.
Complete the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
Is this bed yours? Yes, it's mine.
Does the girl like tigers?
Yes, she does.
Does the boy like monkeys?
Yes, he does.
What is the boy saying?
I don't like playing table tennis / Playing table tennis is boring.
Describe the boy. He has got...
He has got glasses. He has got a big nose
Where's the bear?
The bear is under the desk
Where's the crocodile?
The crocodile is in the bookcase