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There is / There are

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_______ an elephant.
There is an elephant.
________ trees.
There are trees.
________ a cat on the tree.
There is a cat on the tree.
True or false? There are rabbits under the tree.
________ birds on the tree.
There are birds on the tree.
_________ a beach.
There is a beach.
________ cats in the box.
There are cats in the box.
True or false? There are blue houses.
_______ fishes in the lake.
There are fishes in the lake.
__________ a rabbit.
There is a rabbit.
True or false? There are pigs.
False. There is a pig.
__________ two horses.
There are two horses.
__________ waterfalls.
There are waterfalls.
_________ a house.
There is a house.
True or false? There is a river.
False. There is a lake.
________ two boats.
There are two boats.
_________ mountains.
There are mountains.
_________ three cars.
___________ three cars.
_________ a lake.
There is a lake.