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A Protected Place

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Even after the war, the Okapi Reserve still faces threats. What does this mean?
The Okapi Reserve still has problems.
Soldiers invaded the forest in the Congo. What does invaded mean?
Came into the forest with force.
Who is Corneille Ewango?
He is a botanist who tried to save the Ituri Forest.
The Mbuti Pygmies rely on the forest for their necessities. What are necessities?
Needs or things that are needed.
What does a botanist do?
They study plants.
Why are the Mbuti Pygmies called "the walking dictionaries of nature"?
It is because they know everything about the forest as they rely on it for food, shelter, and clothing.
Some plants grow in dim light. What does dim mean?
Low or weak
What is another word for munch?
What animal is the Okapi related to?
The giraffe
Draw vines dangling from trees.
Have it checked by you teacher! :D
Native species of plants. What does this mean?
Different kinds of plants that grow naturally in a certain area
The Okapi Reserve has a _________ of plants.
The Ituri forest is so ______________. This means it has many plants.
What type of forest if the Ituri Forest?
A tropical rainforest
What country is the Ituri Forest located?
What type of genre is A Protected Place?