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Victoria Justice Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Mr. Sikowitz like to drink?
Coconut milk
What was the name of the song that Tori sang in the Big Showcase?
Make it Shine
What is the name of the school's website?
The Slap
What was the name of Robbie's puppet?
What was the name of the school that Tori and her friends attended?
Hollywood Arts
What is Tori’s alter ego called?
Louise Nordoff
What bouncy shoes does Cat wear?
Jupiter Boots
What was Jade’s favourite toy as a child?
a hammer
Which character on the show is lactose intolerant? (can't consume milk products)
What is Sinjin’s last name?
Van Cleef
When Trina pretended to be a celebrity, what did she call herself?
Jackie Bonet
What is the name of the children’s band that the friends form for a gig?
The Diddly-Bops
What color is Cat's hair dyed?
Her favorite fruit is
an apple
Victoria is afraid of...
the dark
Her favorite ice cream flavor
Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia
Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chip
Ben and Jerry's Nutty Butter
Ben and Jerry's Cookies and Cream
Her favorite cartoon is
Spongebob Squarepants
Victoria was born in what state?
Victoria has a younger sister named