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Design Elements & Color Fundamentals Midterm

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TRUE / FALSE In design, "Opacity" refers to the area around, between, and within elements of a design.
False - Space
True or False?: Perspective in design means making things look like they do in real life.
___________ means how close or far apart shapes are from each other. It shows if shapes are related or not.
____________ space in design refers to the areas filled with objects or shapes, which are typically the main focus of the page or composition.
True or False? In design, "space" refers to the area around, between, and within elements of a design.
A _________________ is a three-dimensional shape that has a circular base and a curved surface that narrows down to a single point, also known as the ___________.
A _______________is a three-dimensional shape that has a circular base and a curved surface that goes up to a fixed height. It can be visualized as a can or a tube.
True or False? Geometric forms are those that appear natural.
False / Organic
Form is described as any three-dimensional object. Forms are the 3D equivalents of shapes and as such are measured by their height, width and __________.
What does K.I.S.S stand for?
Keep it Simple Stupid
True or False: Geometric shapes are the shapes that can be drawn using a ruler or compass.
When creating a composition you must always consider how the __________ interact and work together to present and communicate the intended message.
In design, shapes have two dimensions and are measured by their _______ and __________.
Height & Width
What kind lines suggest an upward movement, are more dynamic than horizontal lines and can also indicate division between elements. They cause the eye to move up and down and tend communicates height, strength, dignity and stability?
Which Element of Design can be straight, diagonal, thick, thin, dotted, or curved?