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A2 Review
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time do you have lunch?
What time do you go to bed?
Invite you partner to do something on the weekend.
Woud you?/Do you want to?
How were you yesterday? And what about your partner?
I was . . . / He was . . .
How were you when were 10? What about your parnet?
I was . . . / He was . . .
What did you do last weekend?
. . .
What did you do today?
. . .
What did you do yesterday?
. . .
What's her problem? What can she do to get better?
She has a headache. She should take some aspirin.
What's his problem? What can he do to get better?
He has a stomackache. He should take some antacid.
What are you going to do on your next vacation? What about your partner?
I am going to . . . He is going to . . .
What are you going to do tomorrow? And you partner?
I am going to . . .He is going to . . .
What are you going to do on the weekend? and your partner?
I am going to . . . He is going to . . .
What's you date of birth? And your partner's?
I was born on . . . He was born on . . .
What's the date of your favorite holiday? And your partner's?
It's on . . .
What's the date today?
It's . . .
Say 3 things you can and 3 things you can't do. What about your partner?
I can . . . I can't . . . He can . . . He can't . . .
What sports can you practice? What about your partner?
I can play . . . He can play . . .
How often do you travel? And what about your partner?
. . .
How ofter do you watch movies and series? And what about your partner?
. . .
What did you buy the last time you went to the supermarket? (Some/Any)
. . .
Say your favorite dish and its ingreedients.
. . .