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Past Simple and Present Tenses. Wh- questions to ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You [past write] a fantastic letter!
You wrote a fantastic letter!
knife/ father/ is/ My/ mango/ with/ a/ cutting/ the
My father is cutting the mango with a knife
math/ Was/ difficult/ the/ exam/ ?
Was the math exam difficult?
swam/ My/ in/ lake/ the/ and/ I/ sister
My sister and I swam in the lake
?/ favourite/ is/ season/ What / your
What is your favourite season?
trip/ buying/ for / tent / We / are/ a /our
We are buying a tent for our trip
ate / watermelon / night / every/ He
He ate watermelon every night
painting/ ?/ do/ know/ What/ you/ about
What do you know about painting?
Did /go/ weekend/ Where/ you / ?/ the/ before
Where did you go the weekend before?
bestfriend/ Who/ her/ was/ ? / sister´s
Who was her sister´s bestfriend?
notebook/ she/ the/ in /copying/ her / is / the /answers
She is copying the anwers in her notebook
your / How /mother / is / old ?
How old is your mother?
you / are / at this moment / What / doing ?
What are you doing at this moment?