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Future Tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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can you do this dance ?
can you do this dance ?
can you do this dance ?
can you do this dance ?
can you do this dance ?
A: We ran out of bread. B : Oh, I________ ( get ) some.
will get
For the summer holiday, we _____ (visit) the Great Barrier reef.
are going to visit
Our class ____________ (start) at six.
That frying pan is far too hot! It ____________ (burn)!
is going to burn
I have a feeling that Tim ___________ (be) late. Can we start without him?
will be
I _________________ (have) lunch at that new restaurant tomorrow. I’ve already made a reservation.
am having
I’m using a new recipe, but I think the pie _____________ (be) very tasty.
will be
I have to leave! I ___________ (meet) Tim  in twenty minutes.
am meeting
‘This sauce isn’t cooking properly.’ ‘Don’t worry, I ____________ (help) you with it.’
will help
Let me see my work roster...I ______ on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
You need to lower the heat! The omelette ___________________________ (burn).
is going to burn