Edit Game
Present Simple, continuous and comparatives

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sentence chain! One person says one sentence, another person repeats and then says their sentence... 5 students in total. 30seconds. Use PRESENT CONTINUOUS! GO!
Sentence chain! One person says one sentence, another person repeats and then says their sentence... 5 students in total. 30seconds. Use COMPARATIVES! GO!
Sentence chain! One person says one sentence, another person repeats and then says their sentence... 5 students in total. 30seconds. Use COMPARATIVES! GO!
One mimics the ANIMAL noun, another one guess!
One mimics the ANIMAL noun, another one guess!
One mimics the ANIMAL noun, another one guess!
One mimics the ANIMAL noun, another one guess!
One mimics the ANIMAL noun, another one guess!
Run to the whiteboard and draw the FOOD noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the FOOD noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the FOOD noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the FOOD noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the FOOD noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the SPORT EQUIPMENT noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the SPORT EQUIPMENT noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the SPORT EQUIPMENT noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the SPORT EQUIPMENT noun! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the SPORT EQUIPMENT noun! Your team has to guess.
One mimics the SPORT verb, another one guess!
One mimics the SPORT verb, another one guess!
One mimics the SPORT verb, another one guess!
One mimics the SPORT verb, another one guess!
One mimics the SPORT verb, another one guess!
Run to the whiteboard and copy the PRESENT CONTINUOUS- AFFIRMATIVE  sentence your teammate tells you!
Run to the whiteboard and copy the COMPARATIVE OF EQUIALITY- AFFIRMATIVE sentence your teammate tells you!
Run to the whiteboard and copy the PRESENT SIMPLE- INTERROGATIVE  sentence your teammate tells you!
Run to the whiteboard and copy the PRESENT SIMPLE - NEGATIVE sentence your teammate tells you!
Run to the whiteboard and copy the PRESENT CONTINUOUS- INTERROGATIVE sentence your teammate tells you!
Run to the whiteboard and copy the PRESENT SIMPLE - INTEROGATIVE sentence your teammate tells you!
Change the sentences to PRESENT CONTINUOUS INTERROGATIVE! Anna and Elsa surf the web.
Are Anna and Elsa surfing the web?
Change the sentences to PRESENT SIMPLE INTERROGATIVE! We listen to music in the afternoon.
Do we listen to music in the afternoon?
Change the sentences to PRESENT CONTINUOUS INTERROGATIVE! Tina plays the guitar.
Is Tina playing the guitar?
Change the sentences to PRESENT SIMPLE NEGATIVE! I get up at 7am.
I don't get up at 7am.
Change the sentences to PRESENT CONTINUOUS NEGATIVE! The dog eats dinner right now.
The dog isn't eating dinner at right now.
Change the sentences to PRESENT SIMPLE NEGATIVE! Does he play football at 10am?
He doesn't play football at 10am.
Sentence chain! One person says one sentence, another person repeats and then says their sentence... 5 students in total. 30seconds. Use COMPARATIVES! GO!
Sentence chain! One person says one sentence, another person repeats and then says their sentence... 5 students in total. 30seconds. Use PRESENT CONTINUOUS! GO!
Sentence chain! One person says one sentence, another person repeats and then says their sentence... 5 students in total. 30seconds. Use PRESENT SIMPLE! GO!
Run to the whiteboard and draw the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb! Your team has to guess.
Run to the whiteboard and draw the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb! Your team has to guess.
One mimics the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb, another one guess!
One mimics the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb, another one guess!
One mimics the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb, another one guess!
One mimics the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb, another one guess!
One mimics the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb, another one guess!
One mimics the ROUTINE or ACTIVITY verb, another one guess!