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This president is the current one, he ran for president 3 times, and was believed to change the country... he didn't
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
This president was known for his memes, had the "white house" scandal, and 43 students were killed
Enrique Peña Nieto
This president was the 2nd president of PAN, he started a war against the drugdealers, and the epidemic AH1N1
Felipe Calderón
This president was the 1st of PAN, he made the "seguro popular" and the texcoco project was a failure
Vicente Fox Quesada
This president was accuesed of traitor to his political party, the massacres of Acteal and Aguas Blancas, and he made the FOBAPROA
Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León
This president was suspect of murder of Colosio, he signed the NAFTA, and 600 people from PRD were killed
Carlos Salinas de Gortari
This president was during the earthquake of the 85, the patriotic fraud happened, and Negro Durazo was arrested
Miguel de la Madrid
This president trusted in oil but failed, was friends with "Negro Durazo", devaluated the peso from $25 to $70
José López Portillo y Pacheco
This president organized the halconazo, and the dirty war, also found petrol
Luis Echeverria
This president was guilty of the massacre of Tlatelolco, a lot of repression and was anti-communist
Gustavo Díaz Ordáz
This president nationalized the electric industry, his wide was Eva Samano, and was a womanizer
Adolfo López Mateos
This president granted the vote to women, didn't put friends in the gob and punish monopolies
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines