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IE 2 review test 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's she doing?
She's writing a postcard.
What's she doing?
She's eating an ice cream.
What's he doing?
He's reading a book/comic.
What's he doing?
He's floating.
I'm doing my homework. / No, I'm sleepy.
She's eating an ice cream. He's listening to the radio.
I'm reading a book. / No, I'm scared.
What are you doing? Lula
She’s floating.
What are you doing? Mary
She's cooking.
What are you doing? Gareth
He’s listening to the radio.
What are you doing? Janet
I’m drinking a milkshake.
What are you doing? Luke
He's watching TV.
What are you doing? Peter
He's swimming.
read a book
do a puzzle
have a shower
drink a milkshake
have a shower
do a puzzle
read a book
drink a milkshake
do a puzzle
have a shower
read a book
drink a milkshake
drink a milkshake
have a shower
read a book
do a puzzle
write a postcard
eat an ice cream
listen to the radio
play on the computer
listen to the radio
eat an ice cream
write a postcard
play on the computer
eat an ice cream
listen to the radio
write a postcard
play on the computer
play on the computer
listen to the radio
write a postcard
eat an ice cream
Are you cold?
No, I'm cross/angry.
Are you cross?
No, I'm dizzy.
Are you sad?
No, I'm scared.
Are you thirsty?
No, I'm hungry.
She’s listening to the radio.
She’s swimming.
She’s taking a photo.
She’s playing with a top.
She’s swimming.
She’s listening to the radio.
She’s playing with a top.
She’s taking a photo.
She’s taking a photo.
She’s playing with a top.
She’s listening to the radio.
She’s swimming.
He’s drinking a milkshake.
He’s floating.
He’s playing marbles.
She’s taking a photo.
He’s writing a postcard.
He’s floating.
He’s playing marbles.
He’s drinking a milkshake.
He’s playing marbles.
He’s floating.
She’s taking a photo.
He’s drinking a milkshake.
He’s floating.
He’s writing a postcard.
She’s taking a photo.
He’s drinking a milkshake.