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5th grade books

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Where was Saint Patrick from?
What do you need to ask for if you find a Leprechaun?
a pot of gold
Which one is not one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World? Taj Mahal / Machu Picchu / Giant's Causeway
Giant's Causeway
Name the ancient Peruvian sun god.
Who killed Atahualpa and conquered Peru?
How is a group of wolves called?
a pack
How is a group of fish called?
a school of fish
How is a group of birds called?
a flock
How are the 3-meter tall brown bears of northwestern America called?
Grizzly bears
Can a Gila monster kill a person?
Is the Grand Canyon one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World?
What's the name of the biggest national park in California?
Yosemite National Park
What are the tallest trees in the world called?
How is the swamp area in Florida called?
the Everglades
Who gave the speech "I Have a Dream"?
Martin Luther King, Jr
Bengal tigers live in big groups. True or False
Where is the Taj Mahal?
in India
Gandhi helped people in India to gain their...
independence from the British
What are the tusks of an elephant "made of"?
Name of the law that said that white and black people had to be separated.
Where was Nelson Mandela from?
South Africa