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restaumatic final Tuesday 8:00 gramamr 2024

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When ….. you last meet up with your whole family?
How …. you usually travel to school or work?
What ..... you .........(do) tomorrow at work?(fixed plans)
....... you recently ........(buy) any technological devices?
..........you ever .......(go) to New York?
She never _________________________ (speak) about her family.
This exercise book _________________________ (cost) €17.
She _________________________ (not hear) anything about his past yet.
hasn't heard
What _________________________ (you, think) of her new boyfriend?
do you think
It's a beautiful drive. I'm sure you _________________________ (enjoy) the scenery.
will enjoy
Most people _________________________ (be) at work when the fire _________________________ (start).
were, started
"Where _________________________ (you, go)?" "I _________________________ (see) Peter in half an hour."
are you going, am seeing
Look! The road is covered in ice. That old man _________________________ (fall).
is going to fall
Jack usually _________________________ (smoke) but he _________________________ (not smoke) when his father is home.
smokes, doesn't smoke
"What _________________________ (you, do) yesterday morning between 9 and 12?" the detective asked.
were you doing
I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I _________________________ (already, eat).
have already eaten
I _________________________ (see) three movies so far this week.
have seen
Her mother _________________________ (live) in Sydney for the past five years.
has lived
The band _________________________ (play) while I _________________________ (drink) my wine.
was playing, was drinking
I _________________________ (meet) him last Monday.
_________________________ (you, ever, buy) a car?
Have you ever bought
I ____________________ (see) a great film yesterday.
When I first (meet) them, they (both/study) engineering.
met / were both studying
It's a beautiful day. I'm sure you (enjoy) our trip.
will enjoy
Helmut (watch) English movies every day and it (help) him with his English.
watches / helps
My family (buy) a piece of land in the South last year. They (build) a summer house there at the moment.
bought / are building
Our oldest son (not/graduate) from the university yet.
has not graduated
I think Tristan (drive) to work this very moment.
is driving
Everyone (sleep) when the earthquake (hit) the small town.
was sleeping/hit
Unfortunately, our team (not win) any games last year.
didn't win
Until now, they (live) in their parents' house.
are living
I was tired yesterday because I (not sleep) well the night before.
had not slept
Hurry! Someone (follow) us.
is following
When we (get) to the airport, we realized that our plane (take) off.
got/ had taken
I promise that I (not/tell) anyone about her secret.
will not tell
Grace (speak) to Rebecca a while ago.
A: What would you like to drink? B. I (have) some strawberry milkshake.
will have
He (not/see) his nephews since last summer.
has not seen
When (Andrew Jackson/become) the president of the USA?
did Andrew Jackson become
I usually (sing) in the shower.
Sheldon (make) a speech when his friends (enter) the hall.
was making / entered
What (they/do) at 11:00 last night?
were they doing
My mother (go) to the hairdresser's. She will be back soon.
has gone
(you/finish) doing the laundry yet?
Have you finished
What (you/cook) tonight?
are going to cook
This homework is quite difficult. I (help) you do it.
will help
Where (you/have) dinner yesterday?
did you have
You can turn off the TV. I (not/watch) it.
am not watching
The Bakers (live) _______ in New York for 3 months.
have lived
I’m sorry the car is not here. I (just sell) ______________ it.
have just sold
How many times _________ you (see) ___________him since he went to Edinburgh?
have / seen
We (not begin) ___________ to study for the test yet.
haven't begun
Last night Tom……………………. (sleep) very well.
The phone……………………. (ring) at midnight last Sunday.
What ........... you ………. (do) yesterday?
did / do
I (have) ……………………. a little trouble with my car last week.
Until now, Ben (work) _______________ very hard.
has worked
I (see) ______ that film several times because I like it.
have seen
Mr. Green (teach) ____________ French since he left London in 1997.
has taught
I (live)_________in  Warsaw since 1975.
have lived
He (wear) _________ the same coat since he (move) ___________ here.
has worn / moved
Bob (see) ................. this movie before
hasn't seen
.........you (speak) ………………….. English?
Do / speak
She (not study) ………………….. on Friday
doesn't study
think I ____ a ham sandwich for lunch. (HAVE)
will have
Here's my report. I ______it. (JUST FINISH
have just finished
When I _____into the room, the baby was sleeping . (WALK)
Excuse me,_________ for someone ? - Yes , I _______for the manager. (YOU LOOK, LOOK)
are you looking/ I am looking
At 8 o'clock yesterday morning we _____to the beach. (DRIVE)
were driving
Do you have any plans for this afternoon ? - Yes,I _____ a walk in the park. (TAKE)
am going to take
We ______back from our holiday. It was magnificent. (JUST COME)
have just come
I _____ on a biking tour in Cornwall once, but that was a long time ago. (GO)
We always _____to the mall on Saturdays. It ____pretty crowded there. (COME, GET)
What_____ ? - I_____ an email to a friend in China. (YOU DO, WRITE)
are you doing/ I am writing
______ everything that the newspapers say ? - No, I _______any of it. (YOU BELIEVE, NOT BELIEVE)
Do you believe/ I don't believe
While I ______ for my passport I _______ this old photograph. (LOOK, FIND)
was looking/found
When we to see them last night they ______cards
were playing
Do you realize that you _______on my toe right now? (STAND)
are standing
for or since ? ages
for or since ? 3 years
for or since ? 1st July
for or since ? I met her
for or since ? 5 o'clock
for or since ? 2024
for or since ? 5 years
We had managed to reach our destination before it ___ (get) dark
Amelia _____ (already/finish) cleaning when I returned
had already finished
William ___ (be) excited because he ____ (pass) his driving test
was / had passed
Emma was promoted because she ___(work) hard
had worked
By the time I ___ (get) home, my brother had already lef
He _____ (buy) a new car last week
My friend _____ ( not/go) to work yesterday
didn't go
He _____ (not/speak) to me for over three weeks
hasn't spoken
Our relatives _____(come) here a month ago
Uncle George ________(not/visit) us for years. Why does he want to see us now?
hasn't visited
The last moon landing _____(be) a spectacular show!
I ________(know) him since 1986
have known
I ________(not/eat) meat since I was eighteen
haven't eaten
I __________(not/see) you for more than a wee
haven't seen
Columbus_______________ (discover) America more than 400 years ago