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Telephoning Warmer - Elementary

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When arranging a meeting at the Washington Conference Centre, what detail is most important? A: "I want to have a meeting with you tomorrow at 9 a.m." or B: "I want to have a meeting with you next month."
A: "I want to have a meeting with you tomorrow at 9 a.m."
What do you say if you need someone to email you some important documents? A: "Can you hand me the documents tomorrow?" or B: "Could you please email me the documents?"
B: "Could you please email me the documents?"
How do you introduce yourself to someone on the phone? A: "Hello, this [Other Person's Name] speaking." or B: "Hello, this is [Your Name] speaking."
B: "Hello, this is [Your Name] speaking."
If someone wants to test new equipment on April 17th, how do they say it? A: "I want to test the new equipment on the 17th." or B: "I want to test the new equipment in May."
A: "I want to test the new equipment on the 17th."
When confirming an email address over the phone, what should you ask? A: "Can you write down your email address?" or B: "Can you spell your email address for me, please?"
B: "Can you spell your email address for me, please?"
If someone asks for Richard Clooney and it's the wrong number, what do you say? A: "Richard Clooney? Just a moment please." or B: "Richard Clooney? I think you have the wrong number."
B: "Richard Clooney? I think you have the wrong number."
What's a friendly way to greet a friend named Tom on the phone? A: "Tom! What do you want?" or B: "Hi Tom, how are you?"
B: "Hi Tom, how are you?"
How can you offer assistance when answering a call at your office? A: “Yes, it is. Please hold.” or B: “Yes, it is. How can I assist you?”
B: “Yes, it is. How can I assist you?”
What should you do if Ana Solano is not in the office? A: “Ana Solano is busy right now. Call later.” or B: “Ana Solano is not in the office at the moment. Can I help you?”
B: “Ana Solano is not in the office at the moment. Can I help you?”
How do you confirm an appointment at the Washington Conference Centre? A: “I’d like to meet with you tomorrow at the Washington Conference Centre at 9 a.m.” or B: “Let’s meet next week at your office.”
A: “I’d like to meet with you tomorrow at the Washington Conference Centre at 9 a.m.”
How do you politely ask if Richard Clooney is available? A: “Hello, may I speak to Richard Clooney, please?” or B: “Hello, is Richard Clooney there?”
A: “Hello, may I speak to Richard Clooney, please?”
If someone's name is unclear on the phone, how do you confirm it? A: “Can you spell your name for me, please?” or B: “Can you guess my name?”
A: “Can you spell your name for me, please?”
What's a polite way to ask for someone's mobile number? A: “Could I have your mobile number please?” or B: “What’s your email address?”
A: “Could I have your mobile number please?”
How do you ask someone to repeat something they said? A: “Could you say that again, please?” or B: “Can you talk faster, please?”
A: “Could you say that again, please?”
If you dial the wrong number, what should you say? A: “Oh, sorry to bother you. Goodbye.” or B: “Oh, is Richard Clooney there?”
A: “Oh, sorry to bother you. Goodbye.”
What should you say if you can’t hear someone well on the phone? A: Say “Sorry, I can’t hear you very well.” or B: “Could you speak more softly, please?”
A: Say “Sorry, I can’t hear you very well.”