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English Idioms

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He’ll apologize __________; he’s too stubborn.
when pigs fly
once in a blue moon
to break the ice
I’m feeling a bit _____________ today, so I’ll stay home.
under the weather
on the ball
in the same boat
His rude comment was ___________, and she finally quit her job.
the last straw
a blessing in disguise
cutting corners
Someone ____________ about the surprise exam.
spilled the beans
sat on the fence
broke the ice
______________, and he just walked into the room!
Speak of the devil
When pigs fly
Once in a blue moon
She tends to ____________ and avoid making tough decisions.
sit on the fence
speak of the devil
be under the weather
Don’t take him seriously; he’s just _____________.
pulling your leg
spilling the beans
making a long story short
The new manager is really ___________ and has improved our efficiency.
on the ball
sitting on the fence
missing the boat
She visits her hometown ______________, as she lives abroad.
once in a blue moon
to kill two birds with one stone
to speak of the devil
If you don’t apply now, you’ll ____________ on this great opportunity.
miss the boat
have a blessing in disguise
be on the ball
To __________, we missed the flight but managed to get another one.
make a long story short
spill the beans
speak of the devil
He accidentally ____________ about the surprise party.
let the cat out of the bag
made a long story short
cut corners
By going to the conference, I can network and learn new skills, _____________.
killing two birds with one stone
hitting the nail on the head
biting off more than I can chew
We are all ____________, trying to cope with the pandemic.
in the same boat
making a long story short
spilling the beans
You ______________ with your analysis of the problem.
hit the nail on the head
missed the boat
pulled our leg
She __________ before her wedding but went through with it anyway.
got cold feet
sat on the fence
cried over spilled milk
To save money, the company decided to _________ on safety.
cut corners
burn the midnight oil
sit on the fence
There’s no use ______________; what’s done is done.
crying over spilled milk
spilling the beans
speaking to the devil
Their new house _____________, but it was worth it.
cost an arm and a leg
hit the nail on the head
is a blessing in disguise
She had to ______________ to finish the project on time.
burn the midnight oil
cry over spilled milk
miss the boat
At the party, I told a joke to _____________ and get everyone talking.
break the ice
cut corners
kill two birds with one stone
He ________________ by accepting two jobs at the same time.
bit off more than he could chew
spoke of the devil
burned the midnight oil
The math test was _____________; I finished it in just 20 minutes.
a piece of cake
on the ball
the last straw
Losing that job was _____________ because it led me to a better career.
a blessing in disguise
a piece of cake
an arm and a leg