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Revision 5th grade Unit 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Xenophon wakes up ..................... noon.
Irene Kok's birthday is ............ Tuesday.
Nicole gets a lot of presents ............. Christmas.
Thanos eats never cuckroaches.
Thanos never eats cuckroaches.
.................... Irene Kov like bananas?
Velis: .......................................... is it? Ms Yanna: It's 2 euros.
How much
Melina: .............................. a sandwich, please. Ms Yanna: here you are.
I'd like / Can I have
Tasos makes sometimes cartoon books.
Tasos sometimes makes cartoon books.
Wei Liang sometimes goes to the sea ............ July.
Chrysa always reads ................... weekends.
Evans Kar fights always with Velis.
Evans Kar always fights with Velis.
Yagoulas goes to church ................... Christmas Day.
Eva never is sleepy.
Eva is never sleepy.
George ........................ plays computer games.
always usually
Christine ........................ forgets to do her homework.
never, rarely
How does Evans Kyr feel when you hide his books?
How does Thomas feel when he gets a good mark at school?
happy, excited