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Answers for Job Interview Questions: Guess the T ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“I’m motivated by challenges and the opportunity to learn.”
Present Simple
“I left my previous job because I wanted to explore new opportunities.”
Past Simple
“I address conflicts directly, listen actively, and find common ground.”
Present Simple
“I am closely monitoring consumer behavior and adjusting our marketing strategies.”
Present Continuous
“I have taken online courses in project management and data analytics.”
Present Perfect
“At my previous company, I reduced expenses by renegotiating vendor contracts.”
Past Simple
“I prioritize urgent tasks first and then focus on long-term goals.”
Present Simple
“Over the past year, I have been studying SEO trends.”
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect
past continuous
“I will propose streamlined workflows and automation.”
Future Simple
“I have overseen a virtual team spread across different time zones.”
Present Perfect
“I am enhancing my negotiation skills through workshops.”
Present Continuous
“If faced with an unhappy client, I would actively listen, empathize, and find a solution.”
Future Conditional
Past simple
Present simple
Future perfect
“In my previous role, I had collaborated with the finance and marketing departments to launch a new product.”
Past Perfect
“I am passionate about data analysis, and this role aligns perfectly with my skills.”
Present Simple
“I work as a software developer at XYZ Corp. Previously, I worked as a project manager.”
Present simple / past simple