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The Outsiders 10-12 Vocab Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fans often (stupor, delirious, triumph, idolize, liable) famous people.
If you try to walk after spinning around five times, you are (stupor, delirious, triumph, idolize, liable) to fall.
Ahmed felt a sense of (stupor, delirious, triumph, idolize, liable) as he took first place in the competition.
When Joe took too much pain medicine, he fell into a confused (stupor, delirious, triumph, idolize, liable).
My little brother had wild dreams and was (stupor, delirious, triumph, idolize, liable) because of his fever.
After finishing the book, Ms. Emily said we will write a (flinching, acquitted, composition, corny, veered).
Sam did not want to be found guilty, so he paid a lot of money for a lawyer to help him get (flinching, acquitted, composition, corny, veered).
Old people have a reason why they often tell (flinching, acquitted, composition, corny, veered) jokes.
The straight road (flinching, acquitted, composition, corny, veered) to the right when it reached the mountains.
Halima began (flinching, acquitted, composition, corny, veered) when she heard about how painful the COVID test was.