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B1 Reading Part 6 Open Gap fill (game 4)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People in Asia also give "lucky money" in red envelopes to friends and family, and set_______ firecrackers to scare away bad luck.
The date of Chinese New Year´s changes from year to year, but usually falls _______ January 21 and February 21.
In many cities, crowds gather in the centre of town to welcome the new year at midnight _______ fireworks.
Some of the biggest parties ______ held on New Year's Eve.
New Year is one of the most popular festivals in the world, even though it is celebrated ______ different times in different ways.
I will join the art club and the volleyball club. I think I will enjoy _______ both .
I am going to join two of them - the volleyball club _______ the art club.
There are several clubs to _______ to after school.
The other students in my class very friendly, and most of the teachers are not ______ strict.
too / so / very
My school is very large. I got lost a few times at the beginning _______ term!
You asked me _______ my new school. Well, the school has more than 1000 students.
I've taught myself how to play and this year, I'll join a band because I think I can play well _______ now.
By the _______, I play the guitar too, but my best instrument is the base guitar.
Seeing the singer in concert was a great experience, and I loved it ________ she really entertained the crowd.
Ariana is my favourite singer. I've seen _______ in concert as well.
At the _______, I enjoy listening to Ariana Grande. She on my phone all the time!
Thanks for your email. I love music too, and I download a lot of tracks ________ the Internet.