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Name at least 8 US presidents.
Name at least 15 American states.
Where are the Beatles from?
What's the capital of Northern Ireland?
Why was Henry VIII famous?
he had 6 wives
Which is the national bird of the USA?
Bald eagle = pygargue à tête blanche
Where do Maoris live?
New Zealand
Who first walked on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
What's the capital of Australia?
What's the capital of the USA?
Washington DC
What is the nickname of New-York city?
The big apple
Who is the hero of the Knights of the Round Table?
Who was Prince William's and Prince Harry's mother?
Lady Diana
What are the countries composing the UK?
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
Sing the opening lines of the American National anthem?
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming,
What is the name of the American flag?
the Stars and Stripes/ Old Glory / The Star-Spangled Banner.
What is the name of the British flag?
The Union Jack
When was King Charles III crowned? (day, month year)
May 6th 2023
When did Queen Elizabeth II die? (day, month, year)
September 8th 2022
How many countries are there in the Commonwealth?
When was the Commonwealth created?
What is the other name of the press and news media?
the fourth estate/ power
How do you say in English "le plus tôt sera le mieux"?
the sooner/ the better
What do you call the ceremony at the end of high school?
Who is the Prime Minister in the UK?
Rishi Sunak
Who was Liz Truss's predecessor?
boris Johnson
Who was the Prime Minister in the UK on September, 15th 2022?
Liz Truss
Who painted Nighthawks?
Edward Hopper
If you want to park your car in new York, are you asking for a "car park" or "a parking lot"?
A parking lot (US)
What does "sensible" mean?
Complete the following saying: "You can't teach an old ____ new tricks".
What is the opposite of "guilty"?
Complete this verse of the beatle's song: "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed...
...so far away"
Who was the lead singer of the band The Police?
When did Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister?
Who won the battle of Hastings in 1066?
William the Conqueror
How many stars are there on the American flag?
50 stars
What is Scotland's symbol?
A thistle
Who wrote a book whose hero is a hobbit?
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
What is the French equivalent of "it's the last straw that breaks the camel's back"?
La goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase.
How long was Queen Elizabeth II on the throne of England?
70 years (7 months and 2 days)
What is a Home Secretary?
Ministre de l'intérieur
Which US state is known as the "nutmeg state"?
What is the name of the river that flows in London?
The Thames
What is the anthem of the United Kingdom called?
God save the king
Where does the English Prime Minister live?
10 Downing street
Who created the character of Sherlock Holmes?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle