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Rest Wed1 8:00 GRAMMAR FINAL 2024

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lucas ........................ (never - go) to cinema alone.
never goes
.............................. (your grandpa - read) the newspaper regularly?
Does your grandpa read
Once a week, my mum .................. (prepare) pancakes for me. I love it
Look! She ...................... (sleep) in your bed.
is sleeping
The train ................. (not - leave) at 7.45 on Mondays.
doesn't leave
Honey, I can't talk now. I ................... (drive)
am driving
They ................... (not - eat) pasta everyday.
don't eat
Josh .................. (prefer) tea with milk.
My boyfriend and I .................. (eat) pizza at the moment.
are eating
Do not disturb please! My team and I ..................... (work) on a new project.
are working
Look at the man at the corner. ................ (he - stare at) us?
Is he staring at
I see you in this cafe every morning. ................. (you - always - come) here?
Do you always come
My mother (work) ___________as accountant in the late 90s.
My mother (work) _____________ as an accountant sine 1990..
has worked
I (see) ____________a ghost before!
have seen
I (see) ____________ a ghost last night.
This is the first time he (eat) ____________ Japanese food.
has eaten
We (not visit) _________Bangkok during our trip two weeks ago.
didn't visit.
I (not visit) ___________ Bangkok before.
have not visited
She (win) _____________ three awards so far.
has won
They (graduate) _____________ from high school last summer.
They (buy) ____________ this new TV yesterday.
She (try) _________ bungee jumping when she visited New Zealand last year.
She (try) ____________ bungee jumping before.
has tried
My parents (live) _______________together for more than 30 years.
have lived
My father (marry) _______________ my mother in 1983.
I (study) ____________ at that high school from 2009 to 2012.
I (be) _______________ a student for 19 years.
have been
Klient podpisał umowę i przesłał ją mailem.
The client signed the contract and sent it by e-mail.
Nie wiedziałam o tym.
I didn't know about it.
Dlaczego nie przesłałaś wczoraj raportu?
Why didn't you send the report yesterday?
Poszłam wczoraj do pracy pieszo. Moje auto było zepsute.
Yesterday I went to work on foot. My car was broken.
Zaczęłam współpracę z tą firmą w 2020 roku.
I started cooperation with this company in 2020.
Ile razy byłaś na wakacjach w 2022 roku?
How many times were you on holidays in 2022.
Co wczoraj kupiłaś?
What did you buy yesterday?
Nie kupiłam wczoraj chleba.
I didn't buy bread yesterday.
Greg złapał przeziębienie więc nie było go wczoraj w pracy.
Greg caught a cold so he wasn't at work yesterday.
Wstałam, wzięłam prysznic, zjadłam śniadanie i poszłam do pracy.
I got up. took a shower, ate beakfast and went to work.
O której wczoraj skończyłeś?
What time did you finish yesterday?
Przyszedłem wczoraj wcześniej do pracy.
Yesterday I came to work earlier.
Gdzie idziesz? Mogę pójść z tobą?
Where are you going? Can I come with you?
Klient chce zamówić nasz najdroższy produkt.
The client wants to order our most expensive product!
Aktualnie nie szukany nowych zleceń.
Currently we are not looking for new orders.
Pracujemy teraz nad nowym rozwiÄ…zaniem.
We are working on a new solution now.
W tym tygodniu przygotowujÄ™ nowy projekt.
This week I am preparing a new project.
Niestety szef ma teraz spotkanie. Nie może rozmawiać.
Unfortunately, the boss is having a meeting now. He can't talk.
Nie mogę ci teraz pomóc. Idę na spotkanie.
I can't help you right now. I am going to the meeting.
Czy codziennie robisz sobie przerwÄ™ na lunch?
Do you take a lunch break everyday?
O której zaczynacie zwykle pracę?
What time do you usally start/begin work?
Moja asystentka często robi nadgodziny.
My assistant often does overtime.
Rzadko zatrudniamy studentów.
We seldom employ students.
Ile osób zatrudnia wasza firma?
How many people does your company employ?
Nasza firma zatrudnia 150 osób.
Our company employs 150 people.
Brian nie współpracuje z naszym działem.
Brian doesn't cooperate with our department.
Rzadko wystawiam faktury.
I seldom issue invoices.
Jak często przygotowujesz raporty dla prezesa?
How often do you prepare reports for the CEO?
Moi koledzy z działu często spędzają razem weekendy.
Coworkers from my department often spend weekends together.
Gdzie pracuje Ben?
Where does Ben work?
Ben pracuje jako specjalista ds. administracyjnych.
Ben works as an administration specialist.
Czy Barry lubi zabijać komary?
Does Barry like killing mosquitos?
Dlaczego nie chcesz mi pomóc?
What don't you want to help me?
Dlaczego jesteÅ› taka zestresowana?
Why are you so stressed?
Czy oni sÄ… ostatnio bardziej nerwowi?
Have they been more nervous recently?
Czy oni pracujÄ… w tym tygodniu nad nowym projektem?
Are they working on the new project this week?
Idziesz z nami?
Are you coming with us?
Jak zwykle dojeżdżasz do pracy?
How do you usually commute to work?
Gdzie byłeś wczoraj wieczorem?
Where were you last evening?
Co robisz od rana?
What have you done since morning?
Czy Mary odebrała rano ważny telefon?
Did Mary pick up an important phone call in the morning?
Czy Ben był wtedy na spotkaniu?
Was Ben in the meeting then?
Kiedy zostałaś szefową?
When did you become the boss?
Jak długo jesteś szefową?
How long have you been the boss?
Czy twoi pracownicy przygotowali wczoraj dokumenty?
Did your workers prepare documents yesterday?
Czy twoi pracownicy przygotowali dokumenty?
Have your workers prepared the documents?
Czy Brian skończył już raport?
Has Brian finished the report yet?
Czy Ben był kiedyś w Hiszpanii?
Has Ben ever been to Spain?
Jak zwykle spędzasz weekendy?
How do you usually spend your weekends?
Gdzie teraz jedziesz?
Where are you going now?
Gdzie mieszkasz?
Where do you live?
Jak długo tu mieszkasz?
How long have you lived here?