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Zeltnera muehlenbergii // Muehlenberg's centaury
Vicia sativa ssp. nigra // Common vetch, Garden vetch, Smaller common vetch
Vicia sativa // Spring vetch
Umbellularia californica // Bay laurel, California bay, California laurel, bay tree
Toxicodendron diversilobum // Poison oak, Poisonoak, Western Poison Oak
Torilis arvensis // Field hedge parsley, Spreading hedgeparsley, Tall Sock-Destroyer
Symphyotrichum chilense // California aster, Pacific aster
Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus // Common snowberry, Upright snowberry
Stipa pulchra // Purple needle grass
Stipa lepida // Foothill needle grass
Stellaria media // Chickweed
Stachys rigida var. quercetorum // Rough hedgenettle
Sonchus oleraceus // Common sow thistle, Common sowthistle, Sow thistle
Sonchus asper ssp. asper // Prickly sow thistle, Sow thistle
Silene gallica // Common catchfly, Windmill pink
Senecio vulgaris // Common groundsel, Old man in the spring, Old man of spring
Senecio glomeratus // Cutleaf burnweed
Sanicula bipinnatifida // Purple sanicle, Snakeroot, Purple Sanicle, Shoe Buttons
Sambucus racemosa // Red elderberry
Rumex pulcher // Fiddle dock
Rumex acetosella // Common sheep sorrel
Rubus parviflorus // Western thimbleberry, Thimbleberry
Rubus armeniacus // Himalayan blackberry, black berry, Armenian blackberry
Rosa gymnocarpa var. gymnocarpa // Wood rose
Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum // Blood currant, Flowering currant, Pink flowering currant
Ribes divaricatum var. pubiflorum // Spreading gooseberry, Straggly gooseberry
Quercus agrifolia // California live oak, Coast live oak
Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens // Hairy brackenfern, Western bracken fern
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii // Douglas fir, Douglas spruce, False hemlock
Prunus cerasifera // Cherry plum
Prosartes hookeri // Drops of gold
Polystichum munitum // Western sword fern, Western swordfern
Plantago lanceolata // English plantain, Narrow leaved plantain, Ribgrass
Pinus radiata // Monterey pine
Perideridia kelloggii // Kellogg's yampah, Yampah
Pentagramma triangularis // Gold back fern, Goldenback fern
Oxalis pilosa // Hairy wood sorrel
Osmorhiza berteroi // Sweet cicely
Myosotis latifolia // Broadleaf forget me not, Forget me not, Wide leaved forget me not
Mentha pulegium // Pennyroyal
Melica torreyana //Torrey melic, Torrey's melica, Torrey's melicgrass
Melica californica // California melicgrass
Marah fabacea // California man-root
Maianthemum stellatum // Starry false lily of the valley
Madia gracilis // Grassy tarweed, Gumweed madia, Slender tarweed
Anagallis arvensis // Scarlet pimpernel
Luzula comosa var. comosa // Hairy wood rush
Lotus corniculatus // Bird's foot trefoil, Birdfoot deervetch, Broadleaf birdsfoot trefoil
Lonicera hispidula // Pink honeysuckle
Linum bienne // Narrow leaved flax, Pale flax, Small flowered flax
Lathyrus vestitus // Bolander's pea, Common pacific pea, Pacific peavine
Juncus patens // Common rush, Spreading rush
Juncus occidentalis // Rush, Slender juncus, Western rush
Juncus effusus ssp. pacificus // Pacific rush
Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis // Round fruited toad rush, Western toad rush
Iris douglasiana // Douglas iris, Douglas' iris
Hypochaeris radicata // Hairy cats ear, Hairy catsear, Rough cat's ear
Hypochaeris glabra // Smooth cat's ear
Horkelia californica var. californica // California horkelia
Holodiscus discolor // Cream bush, Ocean spray, Oceanspray
Holcus lanatus // Common velvetgrass, Velvet grass, Velvetgrass
Heteromeles arbutifolia // Christmas berry, Toyon
Heracleum maximum // Common cow parsnip
Hedera helix // English ivy
Geranium dissectum // Cranesbill, Cut leaved geranium, Cutleaf geranium
Genista monspessulana // French broom
Gastridium phleoides // Nit grass
Gamochaeta ustulata // Featherweed
Galium triflorum // Fragrant bedstraw, Sweet bedstraw, Sweet scented bedstraw
Galium porrigens var. porrigens // Climbing bedstraw, Graceful bedstraw, Oval leaved bedstraw
Galium divaricatum // Lamarck's bedstraw
Galium californicum ssp. californicum //California bedstraw
Galium aparine // Cleavers, Common bedstraw, Goose grass
Frangula californica // California coffeeberry
Fragaria vesca // California strawberry, Wild strawberry, Wood strawberry
Festuca perennis // Italian rye grass
Festuca bromoides // Brome fescue
Festuca arundinacea // Alta fescue, Reed fescue, Tall fescue
Eurybia radulina // Roughleaf aster
Euphorbia peplus // Petty spurge
Erigeron canadensis // Canada horseweed
Epipactis helleborine // Broadleaf helleborine
Elymus glaucus // Blue wildrye
Elymus californicus // California bottle brush grass, California bottle grass, California bottlebrush grass
Ehrharta erecta // Panic veldtgrass, Upright veldt grass
Dryopteris arguta // California wood fern, Coastal wood fern, Shield fern
Mimulus aurantiacus var. aurantiacus // Orange Bush Monkeyflower
Dichondra donelliana //California ponysfoot, Dichondra
Danthonia californica // California oatgrass
Dactylis glomerata // Orchard grass, Orchardgrass
Cytisus striatus // Portuguese broom, Striated broom
Cytisus scoparius // Scotch broom, Scotchbroom
Cyperus eragrostis // Tall cyperus, Tall flatsedge
Cynosurus echinatus // Annual dogtail, Bristly dogstail grass, Dogtail grass
Crataegus monogyna // Hawthorn
Cotoneaster pannosus // Cotoneaster, Silverleaf cotoneaster, Woolly cotoneaster
Corylus cornuta ssp. californica // Beaked hazelnut
Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis // Summer coralroot
Clinopodium douglasii // Yerba buena
Claytonia perfoliata // Miners lettuce, Miner's lettuce, Rooreh (Ohlone)
Cirsium vulgare // Bull thistle
Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. divaricatum // Soap plant, Spreading soaproot, Wavyleaf soap plant
Cerastium glomeratum // Large mouse ears, Mouseear chickweed, Sticky chickweed
Carex tumulicola // Foothill sedge, Slender sedge, Split awn sedge
Carex subfusca // Brown sedge, Rusty slender sedge
Carex gracilior // Slender sedge
Carduus pycnocephalus ssp. pycnocephalus // Italian thistle
Calystegia purpurata ssp. purpurata // Pacific false bindweed, Purple western morning glory, Smooth western morning glory
Bromus carinatus // California brome
Bromus hordeaceus // Soft brome, Soft chess
Bromus diandrus // Bromegrass, Ripgut brome, Ripgut grass
Briza minor // Little quaking grass, Little quakinggrass, Little rattlesnake grass
Briza maxima // Big quaking grass, Big quakinggrass, Rattlesnake grass
Brachypodium distachyon // False brome, Purple false brome
Baccharis pilularis ssp. pilularis // Coyote brush
Baccharis pilularis ssp. consanguinea // Coyote brush
Avena barbata // Slender oat, Slim oat
Artemisia douglasiana // California mugwort, Douglas' sagewort
Arbutus menziesii // Madrono, Pacific madrone
Aquilegia formosa // Crimson columbine, Sitka columbine, Western columbine
Agrostis hallii // Hall redtop, Hall's bent grass, Hall's bentgrass
Cynoglossum grande // Hound's tongue, Western houndstongue, Adelinia
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii // Douglas fir, Douglas spruce, False hemlock
Lonicera involucrata // Coast twinberry, Twin berry, Twinberry honeysuckle
Lonicera hispidula // Pink honeysuckle
Holcus lanatus // Common velvetgrass, Velvet grass, Velvetgrass
Galium triflorum // Fragrant bedstraw, Sweet bedstraw, Sweet scented bedstraw